Discover When Breastfeeding Becomes Easier: Tips for Moms

Breastfeeding is commonly more difficult than expected, and many new mothers experience challenges early on. About 60% of moms stop breastfeeding in less time than they had planned due to these challenges.

Breastfeeding is tough—both mentally and physically. But remember, you're not alone on this journey, and it does get easier with time.

In this article, we’ll walk you through typical breastfeeding difficulties & challenges and provide awareness of when this journey might become easier.

Why is Breastfeeding So Hard?

Each breastfeeding journey is unique, but many new moms face similar challenges. The first few days after your newborn is born can be the most difficult time. During this time, you're not only healing from labour pain, but you and your baby are also understanding the new skills together.

As stated earlier, breastfeeding can be difficult for both mentally and physically. Some common issues that new moms meet with:

  • Sore Nipples: In the beginning, breastfeeding can be difficult.
  • Low Milk Supply: It may take a few days for your milk to be regulated.
  • Engorgement: Your breasts may feel overly full and sore.
  • Cluster Feeding: While normal, this stage can be exhausting for mom.
  • Latch issues: Some newborn babies have difficulty latching due to tongue ties or other issues.
  • Exhaustion: Feeding your baby is a full-time job and can be draining.
  • Maternal depression: Feelings of severe sadness after childbirth go beyond Just the “baby blues.”

There’s a general assumption that breastfeeding comes naturally to new moms, but that’s rarely the case. It’s a journey where you and your baby learn together, creating a strong bond.

When Does Breastfeeding Get Simpler?

The good news is that breastfeeding usually becomes easier with time. For many moms, things start to get better around the six-week mark. By then, your milk supply has likely regulated, and you and your baby have organised into a comfortable routine.

At this point, you’re also more in melody with your baby’s hints. You can identify between hunger and frustration, making the entire experience feel much easier compared to those early days.

When Does Breastfeeding Become Less Painful?

Is breastfeeding always painful? Not necessarily, but it’s common to witness discomfort in the first few days. Thankfully, this should settle down within the first week after giving birth.

The early days of breastfeeding involve Much trial and adjustment. Your baby’s latch might not be perfect, and your milk production is still balancing, which can lead to discomfort. But as you both get the hang of it, breastfeeding should become less painful.

If you find that breastfeeding continues to be painful, it’s a good idea to consult with a lactation consultant. They can provide personalized guidance to help ensure that both you and your newborn baby are comfortable.

Handling The “Three-Month Breastfeeding Plight”

Breastfeeding isn’t always a straight path. While some days will be easier, others may bring new challenges. One such challenge is commonly known as the “three-month breastfeeding plight.”

While breastfeeding generally becomes easier after six weeks, new challenges can arise around the three-month mark. During this time, you might notice changes in your milk supply, just as your baby starts to demand more feedings due to growth bursts and developmental milestones.

This stage can be exhausting as your baby alternates between wanting more feedings and going on a nursing strike. Patience is key as your baby adapts to your now-regulated milk supply.

Finding Support On Your Breastfeeding Journey

After countless sleepless nights and caring for a fussy baby, it’s natural to wonder when breastfeeding will get easier. The encouraging news is that it does! Over a few weeks or months, breastfeeding becomes a more comfortable and fulfilling experience.

In the meantime, there are ways to make the journey easier:

  • “Breast” Isn’t Always Best: While exclusive breastfeeding has its benefits, what’s most important is that your baby is fed and receiving the nutrients they need to thrive. If breastfeeding is too painful or challenging, using a breast pump or supplementing with formula is perfectly fine.
  • Join a Support Group: You don’t have to navigate breastfeeding alone. Breastfeeding support groups offer a safe space to share experiences, seek advice, and connect with others who are going through the same thing. It’s a great way to expand your support system beyond just family and friends.
  • Practice Self-Care: After your baby is born, it’s easy to become so focused on their needs that you forget about your own. Make time for self-care—when you’re relaxed, nourished, and well-rested, breastfeeding can be much easier.

Breastfeeding may feel like a roller coaster, but it’s also a time to be cherished. Celebrate this beautiful bond with our breastmilk keepsakes that will last a lifetime. Explore our collection of Breastmilk Jewellery now at Momacado.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do if I'm facing a low milk supply for my baby?

To increase your regular milk supply for your baby, make sure your baby is latching well. keep hydrated, eat a healthy & balanced diet, and consider pumping between feedings to increase milk production. If issues continue, seek advice from a breastfeeding specialist or healthcare provider.

What should I do if my newborn baby has trouble latching?

Ensure that your newborn baby is well-placed and try different breastfeeding positions. If you doubt latch issues due to tongue tie or other problems, seek advice from a lactation consultant who can offer methods and solutions to refine the latch.

Is it okay to support with formula if breastfeeding is too difficult?

Yes, it's perfectly fine to use formula if breastfeeding becomes too difficult. The most important thing is that your newborn baby is satisfied and getting the nutrients they need. Consult with a healthcare provider for guidance on how to balance breastfeeding and formula feeding.

How can I celebrate the breastfeeding journey with my newborn baby?

Breastfeeding is a special and cherished tie between you and your newborn baby. To Dedicate this precious time, consider making a long-lasting memory with our breastmilk jewellery and your baby’s hair included in that jewellery. Explore our collection at Momacado to find a perfect keepsake for you and your newborn baby of a beautiful journey.